Tools for Teachers
- A supplement website for TCLT (Technology in Chinese Language Teaching) (By TCLT) This website provides supplement information and services to TCLT\'s official website at It contains a community-built database providing information about available software, courseware and other multimedia resources for Chinese language learning and instruction. Date: 2008
- Adobe ConnectNow (Beta) (By Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe ConnectNow is a great way to share ideas, discuss details, and complete work together — all online. Reduce travel costs, save time, and increase productivity with a web conferencing solution that is easy to access and simple to use. It\'s free, so sign up now. Date: 2008
- adsotrans Chinese-English annotation (By Lancashire, David) a bilingual Chinese-English database supporting hanzi-to-pinyin conversion, text-annotation, Chinese IME, and gist translation. Date: 2005
- Assign shortcut keys to Pinyin letters (By Xie, Tianwei) Instructions on assigning shortcut keys to input Pinyin with tones. Date: None
- Audio Dropbox (By Michigan State University) One of the Rich Internet Applications - submit audio file to the Audio Dropbox. Students can record their voice assignment online and submit it to the dropbox. The instructor will receive the audio files and archive them. Date: 2006
- Audio Portfolios (By Michigan State University) A tool that provides an environment for students to practice speaking. The program runs in a web browser window. Students record their voice (and video) messages and "share" them with the instructor. All shared sound files are stored on the serve,r and are accessible only to the student and the instructor. Date: 2004
- Bider (By Bider Technology Inc.) A computer company which provides tools for learning Chinese including text-to-speech, OCR, code conversion, conversion of Pinyin, etc. Date: 2006
- Chinese Annotation Tool (By Peterson, Eric) An online tool to segment Chinese texts and make vocabulary lists for new words. Very good for beginning and intermediate Chinese learners. It is also very useful for Chinese language instructors to prepare for teaching materials. Date: Updated 2004
- Chinese Assist 2006 (By A downloadable program to help students to learn vocabulary. Creates word lists from articles, dictionary entries, mouse selections or download prepared lists Makes flashcards. Date: 2006
- Chinese English Dictionary Tools (By Various online dictionaries, Chinese parsing tools (annotators) to help in learning Chinese. Date: 2006
- Chinese Input Method Editor (By Type simplified Chinese characters online. Date: 2006
- Chinese TA (By Silicon Valley Language Technologies, LLC.) A very good authoring tool for Chinese language instructors. It enables Chinese teachers to create, adjust, and evaluate their teaching materials more efficiently. It automatically converts characters to Pinyin, translates traditional characters to simplified ones or vice versa, makes vocabulary lists and calculates the frequency of character usage. Date: 2004
- Chinese to Image Fly (By TigerNT, Inc.) Converts Chinese text in GB code to graphics. Date: 1999-2002
- Chinese-English Talking Dictionary (By Lau, J.) Users may type in characters, pinyin with numbers or tone markers or English words to find pronunciation and definition for English. Click on a sound link will produces speech synthesized voice. Date: 2003-2006
- (By A web site of online tools for learning Chinese. It includes converters (traditional to simplified characters or vice versa, converters between characters and Pinyin. Chinese-French and Chinese-English dictionaries are available. There are also some other links and a discussion forum. Date: 2005
- Convert pinyin tone numbers to tone marks (By An online program to convert Pinyin with numbers to Pinyin with tones. The converted Pinyin can be used for web pages. Date: 2003
- DimSum: Chinese Reading Assistant and Dictionary (By Peterson, Eric) This is a versatile tool that helps both teachers and learners. The functions include: pop-up dictionary, pinyin with tone markers input, conversion from characters to pinyin and other Romanized system and bopomofo, conversion between simplified and traditional characters, etc. Both off-line and online text can be treated. Date: None
- DingDing Online Chinese Input System (By tycool 美國中文在綫) An online Chinese input program. Various input methods can be used to input simplified and traditional characters. Good for the users when they travel or cannot find a computer with Chinese input methods. Date: 2004
- (By Free online document editor (doc, xls, ppt). Users can share and edit the same document. Documents can be imported or exported. Good for collaborative learning and writing. Date: 2008
- Electronic Chinese Learning Platform 普通话智能语音学习平台 (By Anhui USTC iFLYTEK Co., Ltd.) Text-to-speech technology. Users can type or copy and paste a text into the program that will produce audio file. Users can also record their reading. The system will compare the recording against the standard reading and gives evaluation. Sound wave s and tone patterns can be seen. Date: 2006
- Exercises, Quizzes, Tests (By E.L.Easton Languages Online) Free online programs to create all kinds of quizzes, exercises and tests. Date: 1997-2005
- FlashcardExchange (By Tuolumne Technology Group, Inc.) Creating flash cards for learning characters and words. Easy to use. Date: 2005
- Free Chinese fonts (By Free Chinese fonts for downloading. Date: 2007
- GoChinese (By Gowell Software Ltd.) Software for teaching and learning Chinese. Automatically convert characters to Pinyin. Text-to-speech technology. Date: 2004
- GoChinese Online Tool (By Segment the Chinese text and convert it to Pinyin with tones. A useful tool for teachers. Date: Unknown
- Google Chinese Input Method 谷歌拼音輸入法 (By A Chinese Pinyin input method. Date: 2007
- Gradint, a program for self-study of foreign languages (By Silas S. Brown) A program which makes self-study audio tapes for learning foreign-language vocabulary using text-to-speech technology. Free download. Date: Unkown
- HanWJ & Chinotes 汉王简 (By Jiang Yi 江毅) Includes three programs: HanWJ Input Engine (type Chineseinto a normal window), HanWJ Smart Editor (with conversion and text-to-speech functions) and HanWJ Chinotes. Date: None
- Historical Maps of China (By University of Texas, Austin) A collection of historical maps of China. Date: Last updated 2004
- Horizon Wimba (By Horizon Wimba, Inc.) Classroom collaboration for online education, language learning and interactive communications. Live classroom and weblab can be used to deliver the course and teach languages. Date: 2005
- How to Convert Old Chinese Documents to Unicode-supported Documents (By Xie, Tianwei) Instructions on conversion of old Chinese documents in Word format to Unicode-supported Word documents. Date: 2005
- How to use Unicode Pinyin fonts (By Xie, Tianwei) Instructions on installation and use of Unicode Pinyin fonts. Provides source codes of Word micro file which converts Pinyin with numbers to Pinyin with tone markers. Date: 2002
- IME installation (By Instructions on installation and use of Microsoft Chinese input method editor (IME). Date: 2001
- InputKing 在线中文输入系统(Chinese interface) (By An online Chinese input program. Various input methods can be used to input simplified and traditional characters. Good for the users when they travel or cannot find a computer with Chinese input methods. Date: 2005
- Itool (By Xie, Tianwei) An online tool for instructors or students to do reading. Any text, doc, htm or url can be opened in the left window and readers can use the right window for online tools. The tools inlcuded: yahoo dictionary, google search, Lin Yutang dictionary, text-to-speech, simplified-traditional conversion, animated characters, Popjisyo, and Adsotrans annotation program. Online text chat is also available. Date: 2006
- iTools (By iTools) Quick access to the best Internet tools. Includes search, language, research, financial and internet tools. Date: 2004
- Lotus Sametime Unyte (By WebDialogs, Inc) This program shows your desktop or shares documents and applications with anyone, anytime, anywhere. Features include desktop sharing, annotation, shared control, remote assistance and scheduling. Users can also choose a no charge plug-in option for simple to use one-on-one application viewing. Date: 2008
- Macro file to convert Pinyin tones (By Zhang, Zhengsheng) This is the source code for Word macro file. Use this file to create a macro in Word. Type Pinyin followed by the follwoing symbols: ― /_\ to represent 1-4 tones. For example: Wo_men yong\ Pin-yin-. Running the macro file will convert them to Wǒmen yòng Pīnyīn. Date: 2006
- MaxAuthor (By University of Arizona) A free multimedia authoring system developed by the University of Arizona Computer Assisted Language Instruction Group (UACALI) for language instructors. Date: None
- NanoGong (By David Rossiter and Gibson Lam) An online recorder that can be used to record, playback and save the voice in a web page. When the recording is played back the user can speed up or slow down the sound without changing it. Date: 2008
- Net Lab (By Anonymous) Provides all kinds of freeware or shareware for creating or editing sound, photo, pictures. Very useful tools can be found here. Date: 1997
- Online Chinese Tools (By Peterson, Eric) One of the most popular web sites to support Chinese learning. Contains various tools for learning, e.g. conversion between GB and Big5 codes, dictionary, email fixing, etc. An important site for learners and teachers. Date: 1996-2004
- Online Pinyin Input Method 网上中文输入法 (By, Malaysia 马来西亚佳礼网络有限公司) Provides online Chinese input methods. Using Pinyin and Cangjie input methods to enter Chinese characters or words. The typed Chinese text can be copied and pasted in other programs. Good for those who do not have access to Chinese Input Methods. Date: 2003
- Online Pinyin Input 在綫拼音輸入法 (By Provides online Pinyin input method. Supports about 7,000 characters. The typed Chinese text can be copied and pasted in other programs. Good for those who do not have access to Chinese Input Methods. Date: 2003-2004
- Online Tools for Chinese Language Instructors (By Xie, Tianwei) A collection of online tools for Chinese language instructors. Date: 2004
- Penless Chinese Language Learning Software (By Penless Chinese Language Learning: A Computer-Assisted Approach. A project funded by FIPSE, Department of Education (2001-2003). A free Chinese input program for downloading. Users can use Pinyin to input Chinese characters. The pronunciation will be heard while the characters are typed. A good FREE learning tool for beginning students. Date: Last updated 2004
- Pinyin Builder (By Wayne Kirk) A small program which allows to type Pinyin tones and copy to applications. Date: 2008
- Pinyin Editor (By Typing Pinyin with tones online. Date: 2006
- Pīnyīn editor (By Bengt Moss-Petersen) An online Pinyin editor that allows to input Pinyin with tones. Date: Unkown
- Pinyin TextField (By Theron Stanford) An online Pinyin input program that allows users to type Pinyin with tone markers easily. Date: 2006
- Pinyin to Unicode (By Lawson, Konrad Mitchell) An online program to convert Pinyin with numbers to Pinyin with tones. The converted Pinyin can be used for web pages. Date: 2003
- Pinyin Tone Tool (By Doubting to shuo) Converts pinyin and numbers into pinyin with tone marks. Date: 2008
- Pinyinput (By imron) A Pinyin input method editor. It is similar to Microsoft Chinese IME and allows to type Pinyin with tone markers. A very useful tool for Chinese language teachers and learners. For details see Date: 2004-2007
- Puzzlemaker (By Make puzzles online. Date: 2004
- Questia (By Questia Media America, Inc.) An online library which has books, journals and articles for online reading. Some books are free to read and some materials require subscription. If a books includes pictures, subscription is needed to view the pictures. Date: 2004
- Quia (By Quia Corporation) Online authoring system to create and edit exercises, quizzes and tests. Tests can be converted to sessions which report students' scores and statistics. Very good authoring tools for language teachers. Supports all Asian languages as well as European languages. Date: 1998-2005
- QuickPin (By ScriptMaster Software) An online program to input Pinyin with tones. Date: 2004
- Royalty-Free Clip Art Collection for Foreign/Second Language Instruction (By Kazumi Hatasa) A collection of clip art that can be used in classroom. The clips are black and white sketches. Date: 2001
- Simple interface to Chinese big5 annotator (By Cannam, Chris) Paste some big5-encoded text into the form of this web page, select your options, and the vocabulary list with Pinyin and English meanings will be listed according to user's needs. Good for learners. Date: None
- SinoConex (By SinoConex) SinoConex provides school management software specifically designed for oversea Chinese language schools. It helps schools to manage school administration with easy-to-use web application, and allows them to devote more time and effort to language teaching. Date: 2006
- SoGou IME (By SoGou 搜狗拼音输入法) Input Chinese text using Pinyin. Date: 2006
- Test Authoring Tools (By San Diego State University Language Acquisition Resource Cente,r Wayne H. Stromberg) Information about test authoring tools for language instructors. Date: Last updated 2005
- TigerNT Chinese Conversion Tools (By TigerNT, Inc.) Converts Chinese GB codes to Big5 or vice versa and converts the codes to image files.
- Type Pinyin with tone markers (By Imron Alston) Downlaod, unzip and install the program. An input method will be added to your Chinese input bar to type Pinyin with tone markers. Date: 2007
- Web sailor (By Web sailor) Conversion between Chinese simplified and traditional characters. Date: 2006
- WebAuthor (By Renganathan, Vasu) Used for making online forms for web assisted learning and teaching of languages Date: None
- WebCalis (By Duke University) A language learning authoring system for Windows which allows instructors to create and present lessons for students in almost any language through an easy-to-use graphical interface.
- WinCalis (By Duke University) A language learning authoring system for web which allows instructors to create and present lessons for students in almost any language through an easy-to-use graphical interface.
- WiZiQ (By WiZiQ) Virtual Classroom technology for learning a language. Users can schedule an online class. Date: 2007
- Wrieboard (By A free web site that allows people to share, view and edit text. Vey easy to use and useful for collaborative learning. Chinese characters are supported. Date: Unknown
- Writing Chinese Under Windows 2000 Professional/XP (By Eng, Robert) Instructions on writing Chinese under Windows. Date: 2002
- WWSTAR 文言之星 (By Zhu, Chenxu 朱晨旭) Freeware. Translates classical Chinese into modern Chinese. Simplified characters only. Date: 2003
- YellowBridge Talker (By Lau, J.) A text-to-speech (TTS) software add-on for Internet Explorer. It allows users to listen to Chinese text pronounced in Mandarin on any web page. The text is read with pauses of sense groups and punctuations. Date: 2003-2006
- YouTube Download & Covert (By Unknown) Download YouTube video and convert it to any format. Date: 2008
- ZDT Chinese Learner (By Digitbit) The zdt (Zhongwen Development Tool) is an easy to use, open-source Mandarin Chinese flashcard application. Available for Windows, Linux and Mac platforms. Date: 2007
- 可汉可英电子邮件Chinese-English E-mail (By A web mail system that allows users to write email online without installing Chinese input method. Automatically translates the emal message into English from Chinese or vice versa. Get an email address in Chinese: 名字 Text-to-speech technology allows users to hear pronunciation of words. Date: None