English | Chinese Pronunciation | Sound |
apple | ping2 guo3 | |
bacon | xian2 rou4 | |
baked cake (muffin like, more flavored) | shao1 bing3 | |
ball room | wu3 ting1 | |
banana | xiang1 jiao1 | |
band | yue4 dui4 | |
bar | jiu3 ba1 | |
beancurd soup | dou4 fu nao3 | |
beef | niu2 rou4 | |
beverage | yin3 liao4 | |
black tea | hong2 cha2 | |
boiled dumpling | jiao3 zi | |
Bon appetit! | Nin2 chi1 hao3. | |
Bottom up! | Gan1 bei1! | |
bowl | wan3 | |
bread | mian4 bao1 | |
breakfast | zao3 dian3 | |
buffe | zi4 zhu4 can1 | |
candies | tang2 guo3 | |
check | zhang4 dan1 | |
cheese | nai3 lao4 | |
chicken | ji1 | |
chopsticks | kuai4 zi | |
Could you make it hotter? | Zai4 la4 dian3 hao3 ma? | |
crab | xie4 | |
crispy chicken | xiang1 su1 ji1 | |
dance floor | wu3 chi2 | |
deep-fried dough (donut like) | you2 tiao2 | |
Delicious! | Hao3 chi1 ji2 le. | |
dessert | tian2 dian3 | |
dim sum | Guang3 Dong1 cha2 dian3 | |
dry white wine | gan1 bai2 pu2 tao2 jiu3 | |
duck | ya1 | |
Easy on salt, please. | Qing3 shao3 jia1 yan2. | |
fast food | kuai4 can1 | |
Feel at home. | Bie2 ke4 qi4. | |
fish | yu2 | |
food stand | yin3 shi2 tan1 | |
fruit | shui3 guo3 | |
fruit juice | guo3 zhi1 | |
garlic pork | yu2 xiang1 rou4 si1 | |
grape | pu2 tao2 | |
Have some more. | Zai4 chi1 dian3 ba. | |
Help yourself. | Qing3 zi4 bian4. | |
hors d'oervres | leng3 pin1 | |
hot and sour soup | suan1 la4 tang1 | |
hot dishes | re4 chao3 | |
hot oil | la4 jiao1 you2 | |
I am full. | Wo3 chi1 bao3 le. | |
I am hungry; let's go out to eat. | Wo3 e4 le; zan2 men chu1 qu4 chi1 fan4 ba. | |
I can't eat any more. | chi1 bu2 xia4 le. | |
I do not want too much grease in the dish. | Cai4 bu2 yao4 tai4 you2 ni4. | |
I don't want MSG. | Wo3 cai4 li3 bu2 yao4 wei4 jing1. | |
I like hot food. | Wo3 ai4 chi1 la4. | |
I like Szechuan. | Wo3 xi3 huan1 chuan1 cai4. | |
I want less sugar. | Qing3 shao3 fang4 yi4 dianr3 tang2. | |
I would like to order # .... | Wo3 xiang3 yao4 (numeral) hao4. | |
ice cream | bing1 qi2 lin2 | |
It is on me. | Wo3 qing3 ke4. | |
It's a good meal. | Fan4 cai4 hen3 xiang1. | |
jasmin tea | mo4 li4 hua1 cha2 | |
Let's ask for separate checks. | Fen1 tou2 fu4 zhang4 ba. | |
liquor | jiu3 | |
local traditional snacks | feng1 wei4 xiao3 chi1 | |
low calories | di1 re4 liang4 | |
lunch | wu3 can1 | |
ma po tou fu | Ma2 Po2 dou4 fu | |
Maotai | mao2 tai2 | |
meat dishes | hun1 cai4 | |
menu | cai4 dan1 | |
milk | niu2 nai3 | |
mutton | yang2 rou4 | |
on diet | jian3 fei2 | |
orange | ju2 zi3 | |
orange juice | ju2 zhi1 | |
Pass me that dish, please. | Qing3 ba3 nei4 ge4 cai4 di4 gei3 wo3. | |
peach | tao2 | |
pear | li2 | |
Peking duck | Bei3 Jing1 kao3 ya1 | |
pineapple | bo1 luo2 | |
popsickle | xue3 gao1 | |
pork | zhu1 rou4 | |
reserve a table | yu4 ding4 zhuo1 wei4. | |
restaurant | fan4 guanr3 | |
saucers | die2 zi | |
sausage | xiang1 chang2 | |
seafood | hai3 xian1 | |
Shall we go out and eat? | Zan2 men chu1 qu4 chi1 hao3 ma? | |
shrimp | xia1 | |
silver fish of the West Lake, Hangzhou | Xi1 Hu2 yin1 yu2 | |
slush | bao4 bing1 | |
snack bar | xiao3 chi1 dian4 | |
snacks | ling2 shi2 | |
soybean milk | dou4 jiang1 | |
spicy hot | la4 | |
spoon | tiao2 geng1 | |
steak | niu2 pai2 | |
steamed bun (white-colored bread) | man2 tou2 | |
steamed dumpling (with decoration on top) | shao1 mai4 | |
steamed fish | qing1 zheng1 yu2 | |
steamed rice | mi3 fan4 | |
steamed rolls | hua1 juanr3 | |
stewed fish | hong2 shao1 yu2 | |
supper | wan3 fan4 | |
sweet & sour fish | tang2 cu4 yu2 | |
Table for two. | Liang3 ren2 yi4 zhuo1. | |
tea | cha2 | |
This is a good dish. | Zhei4 ge4 cai4 zhen1 hao3 chi1. | |
Tianjin Steamed Dumpling | Tian1 Jin1 bao1 zi | |
tip | xiao3 fei4 | |
toast | zhu4 jiu3 | |
Try this. | Chang2 yi4 chang2 zhei4 ge4. | |
vegetarian dishes | su4 cai4 | |
Vodka | bai2 jiu3 | |
water melon | xi1 gua1 | |
What are you having? | Ni3 men you3 shen2 me? | |
What do you recommend? | Ni3 gei3 tui1 jian4 dianr3 shen2 me? | |
What does it taste like? | Shen2 me wei4 dao4? | |
What time do you close? (open) | Shen2 me shi2 jian1 guan1 men2? (kai1 men2) | ( |
What would you like, sir? | Xian1 sheng1, nin2 xiang3 chi1 dian3 shen2 me? | |
Where is the bathroom? | Ce4 suo3 zai4 na3? Or Xi3 shou3 jian1 zai4 na3? (A llittle elevated. Try it among educated populace only.) | |
white sorteed chicken | bai2 zhan3 ji1 | |
wine | pu2 tao2 jiu3 | |
wonton | hun2 tun1 | |
Yang Chow noodle | yang2 zhou1 mian4 |